HP XL300 driver

David Houlder david at dart.anu.edu.au
Wed Jun 1 11:42:15 EDT 1994

> I've been trying to get the driver in src.contrib/OTHER/HPXL300 to work
> with our department's XL300 printer.  The code compiles fine and p.map
> sends to the printer OK, but it is not received correctly.  I have the
> postscript option, but it is disabled by setting the dip switches on the
> back for PCL5.  Is this correct?  Any other tips?  All I get are error
> messages.
> 	Bill Baker
> 	bakerwl at uwyo.edu

Firstly, what happens if send a pcl file to the printer manually? Do you get anything useful?

I use it and it seems fine (SunOS 4.1.3, sparc IPX and sparc 1). We have a non-standard setup that uses the lpd daemon and such, and it goes a bit like this...

1) Instead of calling p.map, we run this script...
#! /bin/sh
#       wrapper for p.map
#       send file to pj printer on dart
: ${LOCATION:?"not set. Run this from grass, or 'Grass shell' under Xgrass"}
tempfile=/tmp/`hostname`.`basename $0`.$$
mknod $tempfile p
export MAPLP
#       Now start up lpr, with input coming from the pipe we just created
#       The beauty of this approach is that the process writing to
#       the pipe can background itself, and the lpr process will hang around
#       until its complete, then delete the temporary pipe.
(echo lpr started > /dev/tty; lpr -Pgeogpj < $tempfile ; rm $tempfile ; echo lpr done > /dev/tty) &
p.map $*

2) the printcap entry for geogpj on the host grass is running looks like this
20|geogpj|Geography PaintJet Printer:\

3) the printcap entry on the printer host looks like this...
pj|HP PaintJet in native mode:\

Hope this helps

David Houlder			        Phone:	+61 6 249 4613
Geography Department	       	    (In Aust.:	(06) 249 4613)
The Australian National University	  Fax:	+61 6 249 3770
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