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news at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU
Fri Jun 3 11:33:07 EDT 1994
Newsgroups: info.grass.user
Path: ront
From: ront at picea.CFNR.ColoState.EDU (Ronald Thomas)
Subject: Re: GRASS and ARC....
Sender: news at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account)
Message-ID: <Cqtv77.LE1 at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 15:33:07 GMT
References: <9406020011.AA34960 at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU> <199406031359.IAA18219 at>
Organization: College of Natural Resources, Colo. State Univ.
Lines: 21
In article <199406031359.IAA18219 at> grassu-list at writes:
>I just had to put my two "sense" worth into this thread:
>> I would suppose (my guess, not first-hand knowledge, by any means) that
>> the DATABASE integration sold ARC to the USFS, (unless they got a good price,
> There is a very solid DATABASE linkage in GRASS with the db tools.
> DB tools works with Informix, Oracle and Ingress at last count and
>W. Fredrick Limp
True, these tools exist, but were developed AFTER the local USFS offices
decided on ARC. And I still have not seen a definitive, in-depth, objective
review of any of the db tools, other than their developers' commenting on how
good they are. Please inform us if there is one that has been overlooked.
Ronald Thomas ront at
Natural Resource Spec. (GIS) ^^^ Phone: 303-586-1285
Resources Management Division ^^ ^^^^^ FAX: 303-586-1310
Rocky Mountain National Park ^^^ ^^^^^^^ Estes Park, CO 80517
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