DB linkage

Nancy Taaffe taaffe at diego.cecer.army.mil
Fri Jun 3 12:05:41 EDT 1994

The last word I had on the GRASS-INGRES interface from Katarina
Johnsson was this:

As of October 1993, she had modified Jim Farley's code for the
GRASS-INFORMIX interface to work with INGRES.  This was posted
on grass-p and distributed to interested parties.  She had two
versions - one for INGRES 5.0 and one for INGRES 6.0.  The version
for INGRES 6.0 was incomplete - Katarina relocated to Sweden in the
middle of development and had only version 5.0 there.  The GRASS-INGRES5.0
worked fine, although with admitted room for improvement.  At that time
she was willing to be part of a coordinated effort to develop a generic
interface for use with INFORMIX, INGRES, and ORACLE.

I'm not sure if Katarina subscribes to the list, but I can try to
obtain what she's got for the moon, and/or coordinate with people
who are interested in furthering this work.

Nancy Taaffe   Office of GRASS Integration   USACERL

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