grass environment

JakubLoch GIS kubajl at
Sun Jun 5 14:49:47 EDT 1994

The most simple way to do it (in my opinion) is to crate for any user
different Mapsets in the same location e.q.

Mapsets in location <wachob>
   PERMANENT              maps         usr1        usr2      usrN ...        

(user1 hase to be owner of usr1 !)

and then runn grass3.1.
There is comand g.mapsets which gives users acces to any mapsets in the same
location (if this mapsets are r+ for the group).
After executing g.mapsets simply write " + usr1 " and you will have acces to
this mapset.

!!!! All changes will be saved in users original mapset !!!!

Best regards

Jakub Loch

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