ENOUGH zipcodes

Jill Schuler jschuler at ncg.scs.ag.gov
Thu Jun 9 18:24:51 EDT 1994

%%%To: info-grass-user at Belgium.EU.net
%%%From: oliver at earthview.cms.udel.edu (Oliver Weatherbee)
%%%Subject: zipcode boundaries from Tiger
%%%Date: 8 Jun 94 17:33:29 GMT
%%%Organization: Marine Studies, University of Delaware
%%%Lines: 15
%%%Nntp-Posting-Host: poseidon.cms.udel.edu
%%%Content-Length: 537
%%%I am having trouble extracting zipcode boundaries from the tiger census
%%%I would appreciate any help.
%%%	Oliver Weatherbee
%%%	oliver at earthview.cms.udel.edu


Enough is enough!!!!!!!!
How many times are you going to ask this question?

Can we revoke your grassu-list priviledges??????
You are trying the patience of your fellow users!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#  # #### #### ####      ######  #### ##### Jill R. Schuler
#  # #    #  # #  #      #      #     #     USDA 
#  # #### #  # #### ### ####   #     ####   Soil Conservation Service
#  #    # #  # #  #        #  #         #   National Cartography and 
#  #    # #  # #  #       #  #         #    GIS Center
#### #### #### #  #   ####  ###### ####     P.O. Box 6567 
				            Ft. Worth, TX 76115
e-mail: jschuler at ncg.scs.ag.gov             Phone: (817) 334-5559 x3086


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