GRASS installation on Silicon Graphics

Robert Fraser (FO 1999) rfraser at
Tue Jun 28 10:14:59 EDT 1994


Has anyone successfully installed the SGI version of GRASS?

I closely followed the 2 page instructions, and got some errors relating 
to my (e.g. LOCATION_NAME: parameter not set).  I solved this by 
setting my MAPSET, GISDBASE, and LOCATION_NAME (e.g. setenv MAPSET 
PERMANENT), and was able to get into the GRASS command line.  

The problem is, now when I try to execute a grass module, I get the 
error: "segmentation fault core dumped".  Sounds kinda serious to me, and 
although I am a only a UNIX beginner, I guess that there are problems 
with the hard links or FIFOs (don't ask me what a FIFO is).

Has anyone run into this problem, and managed to solve it?

Any help would be appreciated.

Rob Fraser
Yale School of Forestry
Hydro Lab

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