importing 1deg DEMs

Morris Trimmer TRIMMER at fs.sciences.WLU.EDU
Wed Jun 29 13:36:07 EDT 1994

  I have been running into problems with the 1deg. DEMs I've been 
importing.  When I view the raster file created I have two problems:
1) There is an apperant 'fault line' from upper left corner to lower right 
corner. The features are clearly different on one side than the other.
2) The features in general look stretched a bit.
  Any ideas?

  I downloaded the original files from a USGS ftp site.  I used the 
m.dmaUSGSread command to read the files.  I then  used r.rot90 to 
rotate the data and then to convert to grass raster format.
  Could the distortion and 'fault line' be a resault of the way I set up 
my region and projection?  Is there a suggested method for 
calculating cell dementions (resolution) to minimize  the distortions 
due to the  conversion from lat-lon to UTM. 
  I have four research areas to study that overlap more than one 1deg 
block.  I  intend to patch together the four 1deg blocks that include the 
research areas and then  create subregions for the research areas.  
  All suggestions and ideas are appreciated.  Thanks
Morris Trimmer
Washington & Lee University
Lexington, VA. 24450
trimmer at
(703) 463-8846

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