FAQ question

Dave Wheatley dww at soton.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 16:27:44 EDT 1994

On Wed, 29 Jun 1994, Nancy Taaffe wrote:

> >
> >Is grass working with LINUX ?
> >
> GRASS 4.1 Linux binaries are now available for
> anonymous ftp at topquark.cecer.army.mil
> 	As of about a month ago, this is no longer the case.
> 	A new location is pending and we'll keep the list posted.
> Nancy Taaffe   Office of GRASS Integration   USACERL

I have Andy Burnett's GRASS binaries on our ftp server at Southampton. 
The machine is avebury.arch.soton.ac.uk and the files are in directory 
/pub/grass. You can also get them with mosaic (which is far more 
civilised) with the url http://avebury.arch.soton.ac.uk/ and look for
the bit which says `ftp server'.

If anyone is desparate enough, they can download them from there. Of 
course it will be pretty slow if you're in the US.

Be aware that they don't contain binaries for xgrass (hence my last 
posting and others about tcltkgrass .....)

David Wheatley
Department of Archaeology,
University of Southampton,
Highfield, Southampton, S017 1BJ

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