
H. Olthof holthof at ecnsun.ECN.NL
Thu Jun 30 10:48:28 EDT 1994

> >Does anyone know if there is an upper limit to the amount of sites, s.menu
> >can convert to a rastfile? If I have a very large site file (139203 sites).
> >s.menu seems to read the site file, but skips the SITES to CELL part, returning>to the main menu.....
> >Smaller site files work okay.
> >The alternative, s.to.rast does not work in a lat-lon mapset.
> >
> >
> >Harm Olthof (holthof at ecnsun.ecn.nl)
> Harm;
> 	s.to.rast worked fine for me with a lat.long mapset just be sure
> that when the site data is imported it is long|lat|#site format.  Complete with
> the vertical bars and # sign if you want the sites to be labeled so.  See 
> section 7 of the programmers manual and the s.to.rast man page.
> Craig

That is strange, I used the correct site format, but all s.to.rast gives me 
is a raster file with something like 5 isolated cells in it. 
Meanwhile I solved the original problem by chopping the file im three chunks
of ca. 50000 sites. It would still be nice to know what the upper limit would be. 

Harm Olthof (holthof at ecnsun.ecn.nl) 

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