Mr J D Stocks bss045 at
Thu Mar 3 06:48:57 EST 1994

How many people out there are using xgrass as compared with normal
command line grass?

I wanted to use xgrass very much, but I didnt want to buy Motif. It 
prevents grass from being a truly free public domain package.

What moves are there to develop a tcl/tk interface?

I ask because if no one wants to do it, then I will start to investigate
the tcl/tk package, with a view to writing one.

What do others feel about this? I haven't heard much since Dave Gerdes
posting a few weeks ago about the tcl/tk workshop.

I won't be able to write it until about May/June, when my current commitments
will change, but what do others think? I don't want to re-invent any wheels.

Jeremy Stocks,
Bangor University,
Wales, UK.

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