Tcl/Tk and GRASS

Mark P. Line markline at
Fri Mar 4 04:25:14 EST 1994

On Thu, 3 Mar 1994, N R A wrote:

> I might be able to give some low skilled help soon, depending on approval 
> of a project.

Well, we do have a problem with our gutter leaking, so ...

Seriously, there's room in a GRASS GUI development project for all hands,
and then some. Lot's of stuff would have to be done that doesn't even
involve any kind of programming, like reverse-engineering the GRASS
command-line interfaces into a form analogous to xclip scripts (which are
incomplete, as nearly as I recall); if you have a shop with more-or-less
naive GRASS users, then you could oversee some testing of parts of the
GUI; if you have good, fast, cheap access to Internet services, then you
could keep a look out for useful bits and pieces (of Tcl/Tk code, or
whatever) that might be reusable in the GRASS GUI; and many other thinks.

Coding part of the GUI itself with Tk (or whatever) would be nice, too. :)

-- Mark

Mark P. Line                       Phone: +1-206-733-6040
Open Pathways                        Fax: +1-206-733-6040
P.O. Box F                         Email: markline at
Bellingham, WA 98227-0296

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