unlocking monitor x0

Cliff Behrens cliff at bellcore.com
Sun Mar 6 15:05:35 EST 1994

Somehow, I seem to have lost the file containing current monitor status info.
When I try to start x0, I am told it is already running.  When I use d.mon -L
to check monitor status, I receive nothing back.  I have tried using the
stop=x0 unlock=x0 options to free x0, but his doesn't work.  Where is the
file that stores current info on monitor status?  Thanks for anybody's help
on this one.

Cliff Behrens

Mapset <MORENET> in Location <layers> 
GRASS 4.1 > d.mon start=x0 select=x0
Graphics driver [x0] is already running
 Problem selecting x0. Will try once more

Mapset <MORENET> in Location <layers> 
GRASS 4.1 > d.mon stop=x0 unlock=x0
Monitor 'x0' terminated

Mapset <MORENET> in Location <layers> 
GRASS 4.1 > d.mon unlock=x0

Mapset <MORENET> in Location <layers> 
GRASS 4.1 > d.mon -L
name            description                    status
----            -----------                    ------

Mapset <MORENET> in Location <layers> 
GRASS 4.1 > 

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