New link for Xdriver

Borje Asp borasp at
Mon Mar 7 17:14:00 EST 1994


I have tried Ronald Wiemer's implementation with message gueues
on my SPARC station 10/512MP running Solaris 2.3 ! 

I works excellent and grass-display programs is now much faster !

Thanks Ronald !

By the way,

Is there anybody out there who can answer a question about XGRASS ?

I have succesfully compiled almost every program under src and src/alpha
on my Solaris 2.3 machine. But XGRASS wont compile at all. It crashes at
src/xgrass/libes/Xgi. Has anybody compiled XGRASS on a Solaris 2.3 
machine ?????  (Yes, I have noticed that the Motif libraries do not reside
in their default locations)

Thanks in advance,

Borje Asp                                   E-mail:  borasp at
National Defense Research Establishment
Division of Radio Systems and Wave Propagation
P.O.Box 1165                                Telephone: (+46) 13 118227
S-581 11 Linkoping                          Telefax:   (+46) 13 131665


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