grass installation

Lawrence Houston houston at
Thu Mar 24 13:43:08 EST 1994

On Wed, 23 Mar 1994 SL6R2 at wrote:

> Can anyone please tell me how to install the grass4.1 linux binaries?  I only
> have access to them by downloading to MS-DOS, so I used rawrite3 to copy them
> ('linuxaa', etc.) to floppy disks.  Now I don't know how to transfer them to 
> a linux partition.  Thanks in advance.   John Evensta   SL6R2 at


You do NOT want to use rawrite to copy the linuxa? files to your floppies
(rawrite is only used for Linux Boot/Install diskettes), as you will lose
the file sizes (which is required)!  The simplest method would be to copy
them to DOS Formatted diskettes (as you most likely did for the Linux
Distribution), then read them back into the /tmp directory under Linux
using mcopy (from mtools) and then run the file concatination,
decompression & TAR extraction as discribed in the readme. 

cat linuxa? | gzip -d | (cd <Insatll Dir>; tar xvf -)

The linuxa? series are the parts of a split compressed TAR archive, that
is the reason for the multiple steps in the pipe chain. 

Lawrence Houston  -  (houston at

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