
Gerald I. Evenden gie at
Mon Mar 28 21:35:08 EST 1994

>Date: Mon, 28 Mar 94 15:47:41 EST
>From: dhersh at (Doug Hersh)
>To: grassu-list at
>Subject: mapgen?
>Would someone please post a short paragraph on what MAPGEN
>Doug Hersh			Boston University Marine Program
>dhersh at		Marine Biological Laboratory
>(508)548-3705 ext. 516		Woods Hole, MA  02543

MAPGEN is an elementary, vector oriented MAP GENerating program
designed mainly for medium to large scale mapping operations.
It will handle some small scale global maps of the cylindrical or pseudo-
cylindrical class, but not interupted or projections with complex

It consists of 3 parts, a device independent vector graphic
system, control for drafting geographic data and depends upon
the PROJ system for projections.

It was developed circa 1980 when there were damned few mechanisms
for drafting maps with sufficient accuracy required to match
stable base copies of existing maps and charts.  Despite its
lack of sophistication, it still does yeoman's work for producing
publication quality vector maps.

In addition to versions available from SCS and CERL, it is also
available from ( which is also
the home of PROJ.4.  Check pub/README for more info on documentation
and what to fetch.

Gerald (Jerry) I. Evenden   Internet: gie at
voice: (508)563-6766          Postal: P.O. Box 1027
  fax: (508)457-2310                  N.Falmouth, MA 02556-1027

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