Marcus Tooze tooze at
Wed May 11 09:20:12 EDT 1994

> 	I am curious how to import DOQ's into GRASS.  I tried
> i.tape.other with no luck.  The header files are ascii but the data is
> binary so does not work.  Any suggestions or comments?
> 	Replies can be sent to me or posted for everyone's benefit..
> 		Thanks in advance
The DOQQS are in a 'dd' format. Type 'man dd' to get your
unixmanual page on this command to extract the data. Once you've 'dd-ed'
the stuff of the tape, you can put the extracted files directly into
the 'cell' directory under your location. Set your region. Run ''
on each file. You will then need to group, target and rectify each
of these images.

This is a very short answer to your question, email me for further details
at tooze at 

Marcus Tooze

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