GRASS training

Mary Olivas maryo at picea.CNR.ColoState.EDU
Fri May 20 16:02:27 EDT 1994

This is a reminder that if you or any others in your organization are
interested in GRASS training, Dr. Fred Limp will be teaching a one week
short course from July 25-29 in Fort Collins, Colorado.  The specific
information concerning this course is:

"GRASS 4.1 for Resource Analysis" Short Course (5 days); July 25-29, 1994;
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.  Instructor:  Dr. Fred Limp;
Registration Fee:  $795.00.  To register or for additional information,
contact:  Office of Conference Services, Colorado State University, Fort
Collins, CO  80523;  PHONE:  303-491-7501 or FAX: 303-491-0667.

Late registration fees will be assessed after July 8, 1994.

Roger Hoffer
Director, Remote Sensing and GIS Program

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