GRASS and Sun operating sys

Steve Dzurenko GRASSU at
Thu May 26 23:14:00 EDT 1994


I have the job of installing GRASS on an SGI and a Sun.  We have a couple Suns,
one running OS4.3.2 or is it OS4.2.3 and one running Solaris2.3.  I think I am
mixing up all my .somethings.  Anyway, the compiled binaries available from
moon for sun4, what Sun operating system were they compiled on?  I read a post-
ing the other day about GRASS having problems with Solaris2.3, is GRASS 
totally unfunctional on Solaris2.3 or are there just a few quirks?

Thanks for any help!

Stephen Dzurenko
Ocean Mapping Division
Ocean Technology Center
University of Rhode Island

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