g.gnuplot wanted!

James Darrell McCauley mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu
Mon Oct 3 01:33:20 EDT 1994

I have forwarded your request to the grass users list
where there are quite a few linux/GRASS folks. Hopefully
they'll get in touch with you.

In article <1994Sep30.102920.1226 at haglebu.han.de> you write:
>I am looking for a compiled version of "g.gnuplot" (GRASS to 
>gnuplot), because I have only installed the GRASS binaries.

>My system is: Linux 1.1.8 (Slackware 1.2)

>|      Thomas Brase, Tiestestr. 21, D-30171 Hannover     |
>|                  tbr at haglebu.han.de                    |


James Darrell McCauley, Purdue Univ, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146, USA
mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu, mccauley%ecn at purccvm.bitnet, pur-ee!mccauley

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