fortran to c

E.A. Koster ekoster at
Wed Oct 5 03:13:57 EDT 1994

In article <9410042253.AA58878 at>, you write:
> 	I wan to compile s.db.rim and v.db.rim
> 	somebody has tell me that I must transponse it from fortran
> 	to C with a F2c program....Does anybody made this before???
> 	How I do this??? How I can compile these programs after this?
> 	My configuration:
> 	Sun SPARC 20
> 	SOlaris 3.3
> 	:)
> 	thank's
Yes, I tried it, although I heard of people doing this without any problem
I didn't manage.
After you have translated all fortran-code with f2c you have normal C files
which you can compile with your normal c-compiler. I don't know if you can
use the set-up script from Grass directly, but I think you have to change some
things in this.

good luck,

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