
Stuart Bradshaw bradshaw at lewis-deh2.army.mil
Fri Oct 7 12:01:28 EDT 1994

The GISBASE is a variable that gets set when grass is started. How do you start
GRASS ? something like  grass4.1  ?

THis script sets up a couple variables and looks like:

export GISBASE
exec $GISBASE/etc/GIS.sh

maybe your line GISBASE is not set correctly (for problem 2 below).

If problem 2 is true, then problem 1 here is probably a result of this, though
I'm not sure where a $GIS ever gets set. Also make sure this file
$GIS/etc/lock   (probably /usr/grass4.1/etc/lock)  is there, if not you'll
need to get it compiled or find it somehow.

Stuart Bradshaw, CSC                Phone: 206-967-4985
ATTN: AFZH-DEQ (GIS LAB)            Fax: 206-964-2488
Ft. Lewis, WA  98433-5000          
bradshaw at lewis-deh2.army.mil

> Here I am again. I got problems te start up.
> 1) starting up grass4.1 gives me the error that there is another 
> usre busy with grass! Problem is I do not find any process on the 
> machine mentionning grass! The message is something as 
> "can not find $GIS/etc/lock"
> 2) Starting up d.mon start=01
> gives
> ERROR GISBASE not set!
> Can anyone help. I am working on an Indigo2 extreme. Has anyone a 
> similar problem before. I setted up in my .cshrc the setenv in a good 
> way!
> 				Bart
> **************************************************************************
> 	Ir. Bart Cosyn
> 	EC- Environment project
> 	CRS4
> 	Environmental modelling group
> 	Via Nazario Sauro, 10
> 	Tel +/39/70/2796280
> 	Fax +/39/70/2796216
> 	E-mail: bcosyn at crs4.it
> **************************************************************************

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