v.import/v.in.dlg omission of point elevations
Teresa Hansen
teresa at lewis-deh2.army.mil
Mon Oct 17 10:27:33 EDT 1994
If you use the `matt=______` option on the command line with v.in.dlg then
a second file - a multiple attributes file - is created. This should have
the the elevation data. It will also have other data (minor and major codes)
and you will have to use awk or some manual editing to get the attributes in
the format needed by GRASS' dig_att file. I recently went throught this
process myself.
Teresa Hansen, CSC
Ft. Lewis, Washington
teresa at lewis-deh2.army.mil
> Subject: v.import/v.in.dlg omission of point elevations
> In importing DLG hypsography files, neither v.import
> nor v.in.dlg appears to bring in the point elevations.
> Is there an easy way to get these imported too?
> I have been learning a lot of awk extracting the points
> from the raw DLG file separately and appending them to
> the ascii version of the GRASS hypso file or bringing them
> in as sites, but this is kind of a pain in the butt.
> John Mackenzie
> U. of Delaware
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