MAPGEN install

Jill Schuler jschuler at
Tue Oct 25 14:15:07 EDT 1994

Alejandro Hinojosa writes:

and the following is the error message:

projection initialization failure
cause: no system list, errno: 2

program abnomally terminated
</im/grass/mapgen/bin/mapdef>: invalid header

Do you know how can i fix it. Thanks in advance :)

The problem is that the variable PROJ_LIB is not defined.  This variable 
should point to a resource file called proj_def.dat under $GISBASE/etc.
Be sure to check for the resource file.  If it's not under the $GISBASE/etc
directory,  it can be found under scr at PROJ.4.3.0/nad/proj_def.dat

Define the following:

setenv PROJ_LIB $GISBASE/etc



This should take care of the problem.



#  # #### #### ####      ######  #### ##### Jill R. Schuler
#  # #    #  # #  #      #      #     #     USDA 
#  # #### #  # #### ### ####   #     ####   Soil Conservation Service
#  #    # #  # #  #        #  #         #   National Cartography and 
#  #    # #  # #  #       #  #         #    GIS Center
#### #### #### #  #   ####  ###### ####     P.O. Box 6567 
				            Ft. Worth, TX 76115
e-mail: jschuler at             Phone: (817) 334-5559 x3086


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