World Projection Peace

kang at kang at
Wed Oct 26 10:01:29 EDT 1994

Thanks for your response Mr. Evenden.  There is a ellipse.table in the 
$GISBASE/etc directory.  It has the following information:
# these are from [Snyder, Table 1, p.12]
australian     a=6378160     f=1/298.25
clark66       a=6378206.4   b=6356583.8
grs80         a=6378137     f=1/298.257
hayford       a=6378388     f=1/297
international a=6378388     f=1/297
krassovsky     a=6378245     f=1/298.3
wgs72         a=6378135     f=1/298.26

# this is from naval oceanographic lab
wgs84         a=6378137     f=1/298.257223563

# these are from [Seppelin, Table 9, p.35]
bessel        a=6377397.155 e=.006674372
airy          a=6377563.396 e=.006670540
everest       a=6377276.345 e=.0066378466
wgs66         a=6378145     f=1/298.25

#these were added for g.setproj capabilities
MERIT           a=6378137       f=1/298.257
IAU76           a=6378140.0     f=1/298.257
GRS67           a=6378160.0     f=1/247.247167
clark80         a=6378249.145   f=1/293.4663
hough           a=6378270.0     b=6356794.343479
mercury         a=6378166.0     b=6356784.283666
modif_airy      a=6377341.89    b=6356036.143
modif_everest   a=6377304.063   b=6356103.039
modif_merc      a=6378150.0     b=6356768.337303
new_internatnl  a=6378157.5     b=6356772.2
SEasia          a=6378155.0     b=6356773.3205
walbeck         a=6376896.0     b=6355834.8467
# sphere        a=6370997.0     e=0.0

I am wondering if I can either add the Helmert 1906 and assoicated a and f 
variables to the ellipse.table file or change the a and f of a particular one
(say MERIT) to fool GRASS to do the calculation for me.  Probably only the
person who did the g.setproj or v.proj can answer the question.  Anyway,
I will try both GRASS and the PROJ4 package.  Thanks!

Yung-Tsung Kang
Center for Remote Sensing, Michigan State University

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