v.digit problems: STILL
William Voigt
voigtw at nature.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Sep 14 16:51:40 EDT 1994
This is my second try at getting a response, so those who knew the
answer and figured someone else would respond, you were wrong. Nows
your chance.
Equipment: Pentium 66 Mhz, linux slackware 2.0 (1.0.8 kernel), grass 4.1
compiled from latest source code (including upgrade 4). 16 Mb RAM.
The problem:
I have a dig file (in binary mode) that I want to modify with
v.digit. I run v.digit from the grass prompt, answer (3) for no
digitizer, type in the (correct) filename [I 'list'ed the elegible files
beforehand] and when I get the prompt to continue type 'y'. The screen
responds with a message that its plotting the file & hangs. The
graphics monitor is erased to black, but nothing appears. ^C & ^Z are
not effective, however, when I destroy the shell window, the requested
vector file is then displayed on the monitor.
Possible source of the problem:
I have had this problem since I cp'd files from one disk to the
other (whch was mounted as a directory) e.g.
cp -R /usr/grass /mnt/usr/grass
I bit the bullet the other day & recompiled grass, but to no avail.
I've tried to find any & all information on v.digit, but cannot locate
any type of troubleshooting guides. Is anyone able to help.
I anxiously await your replies. Thanks
Bill Voigt
voigtw at insect.berkeley.edu
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