
Rod Anderson andersr at iia.org
Thu Sep 29 00:16:50 EDT 1994

> Appreciate the advice - I removed all the newline charachters except
> between the individual records - now I have another error...
>  Reading profile 1 of 360
> ERROR: get_int: can't get more buffer - Unexpected end of file.
> Any insite would be appreciated...

Can you put this DEM on a ftp site I can get to.  Compressed, zipped or 
some such would be best.  Trying to debug long distance is a pain.

I wrote some perl scripts to convert DEMs to XYZ coordinates but that
was a while ago so I can't remember all the gory details.  The
routines are still working for the DEMs we get/use so I can check for
problems with yours.

I'm sure we can solve this but I'm working the net with a few handicaps.
  I do news and mail via a modem connection I pay for so big files transfers 
cost. (Please don't mail it.)
  I have telnet and a batch mode ftp from work but it uses SOME terminology
I'm not familiar with so ftp must be pretty straight forward.


ps.  I think we should move this out of news-land to mail-ville until
we get this solved then the results can be posted.  I can be reached
weekdays at fswa/s=r.anderson/ou=r01f04a at mhs.attmail.com or
andersr at iia.org once or twice a week.

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