Installing Grass for Solaris

Ken Sibley ksibley at
Fri Sep 30 10:48:31 EDT 1994

> Hi Nelson and others struggling with grass on Solaris,
> Re my previous list of bugs and Nelsons reply:
> > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/openwin/lib  
> I tried this, but it didn't appear to make any difference. And now (sob) I
> can't even get any new (previously unused) monitors to start correctly! If
> no-one can help me sorting this out, I'll have to compile from source....
C-shell format:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/openwin/lib
Bourne shell:

This assumes that /usr/openwin/lib is the correct path to the 
X window libraries.

Ken Sibley
USDA-SCS/NCG		"Hell, if you understand everything I say,
ksibley at   you'd be me!"  - Miles Davis

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