Polygons to raster map

Marlin Mixon mcm1303%pi at ginko.cecer.army.mil
Thu Apr 20 08:00:00 EDT 1995

Hi all,
   I am a Grass newbie and I'm trying to convert vector files to raster.
I tried using v.to.rast and everything works fine, except I want to get
rid of the "lineal" border from between each polygon, that is, I want all
polygons to touch each other, rather than having this artificial single
raster cell wide separation between them.
   I have looked at the grass-u archives, and I've looked to see if
there are any options on the v.to.rast, but haven't found anything that
will look like it will work.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Marlin Mixon,
Washington State Department of Health

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