A few general questions...

Christopher Klaus klaus at athens.dis.anl.gov
Wed Aug 16 08:00:00 EDT 1995

Hello again,

        Ok let me rephrase my question a little... =)  I want to get out
a listing of the categories and the number of cells for each category in
a map.  Then I want to assign a weight to each category and use that weight
on the appropriate number of cells. 
        My thought is to make a file containing the weights for each category
then just use sed, awk, or grep to get the weight and the number of cells.
The problem with this is that not all my categories that I have weights for
always have cells...  =)  So if I could make an array in unix of some sort
(if that is possible) and initialize that array then I would have zeros 
where I need them. 
        So my question is more is there arrays in unix I guess and if not
how do you get around this usually?  Since it seems to me a natural thing 
to need if you're going to give a value to your model.

                Thanks again,

                                Christopher M Klaus

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