First Impressions of GRASSLAND!

Lawrence Houston grass at
Wed Dec 13 07:00:00 EST 1995

GRASS Users:

Today was L.A.S.'s "Official" Lanch of GRASSLAND (GRASS with a Tcl/Tk
Interface running under Window NT/95), I was very impressed!  It has the
look a feel of your basic "shrink-wrapped" Windows Application, making
good use of Point-n-Click and Drag-n-Drop for many of the "common" GRASS

XGEN & XGRASS aside, this should be a turning point in GRASS's
Development, providing a GUI familiar to the Windows Community while
providing Client/Server potential over TCP Lines to UNIX Servers.  I "tip
my hat" to Gilles Clement <gc at> and the team at
L.A.S., as this should be a very successsful product!  

General inquires should probably be addressed to <GRASSLAND at> or
specifically Liane Levesque <LL at> for Orders. 

Lawrence Houston  -  (grass at

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