writing GRASS data to CDROM

Andreas Holz Andreas.Holz at oi32.kwu.siemens.de
Mon Dec 11 07:00:00 EST 1995

c?8??95?10?59?12?am at bnr.ca>
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organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
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reply-to: grassu-list at max.cecer.army.mil
newsgroups: info.grass.user
originator: daemon at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu

> Does anyone know of a service bureau that will write Grass data sets 
> (Unix file names, preserve time and date, etc.) from a 1/4 inch tape 
> (DC6525 compatible) to a CD-ROM.   The only ones that I have talked 
> to so far have the CD-ROM working off a PC.  
> Also has anyone had any luck reading data sets off a CD - any problems to 
> watch out for, or is it even possible?
> Thank you


        there are two possibilities:

        Write the datasets to a CD-Writer. There are several CD-Writers
        available (Philips, Sony, HP, JVC). You will need the appropriate
        software. PC based is e.g. Corel SCSI, Easy-CD ... There is also
        sofware available for Sun, HP, SGI. In Germany there are
        several companies which write Data to CD-R for approx. DM 30.

        If You'll create greater charges, e.g. more than 50 or 100 copies
        create real CD4s. Take a CD manufacturer like Sony.

        To store a Unix filesystem on CD You have to use the Rock Ridge
        extension to the iso9660 CD Filesystem.

        If You want to write CD-R's from Linux use mkisofs to create a 
        CD filesystem and cdwrite to write the CD-R.


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