GRASS - TM Imgaery to GRASS question

stephan at stephan at
Mon Dec 4 07:00:00 EST 1995

Hello there:

I'm posting this question for a friend without access to this list.
Please reply to stephan at and I will 
forward the responses.  Thanks!

I have an 8mm tape of a Landsat TM scene in UTM coordinates.
I would like to read the image into GRASS.

I have tried to use the command, but it seems to want
a 1/4 inch tape. 
Is there a way around this?

Also, is there a way to read the image in so that it will be registered
to UTM coordinates instead of the arbitrary grid coordinates?

Should I be using or is there a better way?

Thanks very much for your time!


     Stephanie L. Miller - Physical Scientist
     U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth
     819 Taylor Street
     P.O. Box 17300
     Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300
     email: stephan at
     phone: (817)334-2095
     fax: (817)885-7539

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