problem importing 1 degree DEMs

Ashton Shortridge ashton at
Mon Dec 4 07:00:00 EST 1995


First of all, thanks for considering my question. I am not subscribed to the
list, so please send your response to my email address, as well as to the list:
ashton at

I am trying to import DEM data (which I obtained by downloading via ftp from
the EROS geodata center site) into GRASS 4.1. 

The result of the following chain of commands was a GRASS raster file with the
proper dimensions but with no elevation data, according to

The steps I used to import this are as follows:
1. ran m.dmaUSGSread (within the UNIX command dd). I used ibs= 4096
2. ran m.rot90
3. ran with bpc set to 2, the appropriate corner coords, and as either
signed or unsigned.

My region appears to be set to the same dimensions as the 1 degree DEM I am
trying to import. My region is defined as UTM in the proper zone. If you see
what my problem is, or what questions I need to ask myself, I would be
eternally grateful!

Thanks very much,

/\shton Shortridge
ashton at

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