converting .SIT grass vector files

Cosyn Bart Bart.Cosyn at
Fri Feb 10 04:35:36 EST 1995

Hi Kevin,

> The software which comes with the GPS system is able to output it's data 
> in what it calls a grass vector format. These files have a .SIT extension 
> on them. How can this format be imported into grass? (the software is now 
> 2 or 3 years old). If this data could be imported directly into grass it 
> would be extremely helpful to our project.

Got no idea how they look like. Try if they are ascii format. If yes try 
to give an example. Probably you can load tham with or Try also just to convert an existing vector to ascii and try 
to see how such a file looks like. It should be even straight forward to 
create a header for it!

> I have also had problems setting up a new geographic region. I am using 
> xgrass and I tried the modify default region command from the pulldown 
> menu but was not able to save changes to the region that i created. I 
> also tried using the g.region command within the grass shell but was also 
> unsuccessful with this command. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Just open with "vi" the file called DEFAULT_WIND (or something like that) 
in you PERMANENT MAPSET. I remember I did it once like this!


	| ir. Bart Cosyn				  |
	| ERS1/2 project				  |
	| Laboratory for Hydrology and Water Management	  |
	| University of Gent 			 	  |
	| Coupure 653, B-9000 Gent			  |	
        | Belgium 					  |
	| Tel: +/32/9/2646137				  |
	| Fax: +/32/9/2646236				  |	
	| E-mail: bcosyn at		  |

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