Raster conversion to Spans

ish at alla.pl.swf.usace.army.mil ish at alla.pl.swf.usace.army.mil
Thu Jan 12 16:02:23 EST 1995

Terry Cook of The Nature Conservancy, Texas asked if I would post
this query to the GRASS Users list for him. He wants advice on converting
GRASS raster data to SPANS. He thinks he can handle vector data by going
through DXF format, but is unsure how to proceed on raster files.

Please post comments to my email address below and I will forward them on
to Terry. Thanks

Ishmael Williams
US Army Corps of Engineers
Ft. Worth District
PO Box 17300
Ft. Worth, TX 76102-0300
(817) 334-2095

email: ish at alla.pl.swf.usace.army.mil

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