CROPSITE GIS Data Format Inquiry
Malcolm Williamson
malcolm at
Tue Jan 10 10:14:31 EST 1995
?at?Jan?10??95?08?34?52?am at>
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Originator: daemon at
> >
> >Greetings from Idaho !!!
> >
> >One of our field offices is trying to get some field boundary and soils
> >information to a land owner. They have it on their GRASS GIS system.
> >The land owner has software called "CROPSITE" whcih can import data in
> >"AGLINK", "SURFER", "MAPSITE", or "ASCII" format. I'm not familiar with
> >the first three formats, and I don't know what sort of ASCII format file
> >the fourth is.
> >
> >Please share any information you may have on exporting data to this software
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >David Hoover
> >Manager, CGIS Section
> >Idaho State Office
> >
> >a16dhoover at
> >208-334-1525
> >
> David,
> I used SURFER years ago to show topology of some small areas. Back then the
> file format was a based on a simple x,y,z coordinate system where x=latitude,
> y=longitude and z=altitude or some value such as height or amount. These
> coordinates were referenced on a general x,y,z=0,0,0 grid. When I was using
> this system, I imported it into SURFER from an ASCII text file in columns of
> y, and z.
> It was all very simple if you had everything as point coordinates.
> I have never done this, but you could use v.out.ascii, r.out.ascii or
> s.out.ascii. You can
> view the manual reference for these commands using g.manual {grass command}.
> Hope this helps somewhat.
> Catherine
> Catherine H. Coleman
> Natural Resources Branch - USMA
> Ph# 914-938-5939 Fax: 914-938-5453
> email: yc5763 at
You'll probably want to use r.stats with the -1gz flags to output non-zero
cell values and coordinates as ASCII text. You can pipe this output directly
to awk if you need to modify the format (r.stats also has an option for
defining the field separator character.). Anyway, this will give you x,y, and z
values for each cell. Good luck!
Malcolm D. Williamson - GIS Specialist E-mail: malcolm at
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12 Fax: (501) 575-3846
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
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