Flood Map in Grass (Needed)

DUNN JEREMY SIMON dunnj at polarbear.colorado.edu
Wed Jan 25 16:18:41 EST 1995

Good Afternoon, 

I'm interested to know if anyone has imported flood maps of the Mississippi 
River Basin, specifically in the areas of the central midwest, e.g Iowa,Missouri
Nebraska,Western Illinois. Bascially the major flood area of 1993. 

I'm interested in scanning/importing in a map that represents the saturated 
soil or standing water in these areas at this time, June/July 1993, and aiming 
to work toward pherhaps refining this map using satellite data. 

At the moment I'd be interested to know of any map data that is out there 
that can be brought into Grass4.1.

Responses directly to dunnj at northwind.colorado.edu would be appreciated 


Jeremy Dunn 

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