GTCO digitizer setup

Morris Trimmer mtrimmer at
Thu Jan 26 13:16:49 EST 1995

  We are trying to set up a GTCO Super L II Plus digitizer to run with GRASS4.1. 
It is not working! Via UNIX commands I am able to communicate with the digitizer 
board and it seems to be working fine. But when ever I try to run v.digit I get 
to this page with the error message:
  * * * * 
|                        POINTS TO REGISTER                                   |
|     POINT             EASTING (X)           NORTHING (Y)                    |
| ->     1.             654000.00           	4166000.00                                  
|	 2.		654000.00		4179000.00
|        3.		644000.00		4179000.00                       
|        4.		644000.00		4166000.00                       
|                                                                             |
| Number of points: 4,   Points registered: 0                                 |
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|USE KEYBOARD FOR INPUT                                                       |
| Digitizer read error.Do we continue(y,n)?                                   |
|  Key <2> - skip point,          Key<5> - accept residuals                   |
|  Key <3> - unregister point                                                 |

 * * * * *
 Answering 'y' appears to do nothing and 'n' takes me out of v.digit. After 
leaving v.digit the digitizer is hung and needs resetting. Our digitizer has a 4 
button 'Cursor'('mouse'). I changed the digitizer file to reflect that but is 
that enough?
 Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Morris Trimmer
University Computing
Washington & Lee University
mtrimmer at

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