Rainfall data for r.answers

mohdnaka mohdnaka at helios.aston.ac.uk
Wed Mar 29 03:09:30 EST 1995

Dear Answers's users,

I have been trying to use ANSWERS on GRASS model for a drainage basin. I have
problems with the rainfall data input for this model. I have created rainfall
data file and put it under the answers/data/rain directory. When I go to step 5
in the main menu for one gage station rainfall data input, and give the rainfal
data name, I got this message;

Do you wish to use more than one rain gauge?(y/n) [n] n

<Using data from one rain gauge.>

Enter the name of the rainfall event:

Enter 'list' for a list of existing rain data storage files
Hit RETURN to cancel request
> list
rain data storage files available in mapset PERMANENT:
gauge3  rain1   rain2   rain3   rain4   rain5   rain6   rain7


Enter the name of the rainfall event:

Enter 'list' for a list of existing rain data storage files
Hit RETURN to cancel request
> rain1

** rain1 - exists, select another name **

How can I give the rainfall data file name or basically how does the rainfall
data input in r.answer works.

Thanks for any suggestion on how to solve this problem.


email: mohdnaka at helios.aston.ac.uk

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