help on Oblique Mercator Projection

Alejandro Hinojosa Corona alhinc at
Sat Mar 25 18:49:58 EST 1995

This mail is inteded for the map projections gurus
or someone from the grass user community that could assist me in
a problem of this matter.

I want to define a oblique mercator projection for a location
that covers the Gulf of California. I want to set the mayor axis of
the gulf as the geodesic for the projection. I have AVHRR imagery of
the gulf and I want to submit all my site data and imagery to this projection.
The site information is gerorefenced in lat lon.

Is there an easy way (or not very complicated) to do it? I have checked
under grass/etc on files proj_dat.defs and projections, but they
don't have much to see.

Best Regards

Alejandro Hinojosa
Research Associate
Earth Science Division
CICESE (Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y Educacion Superior de Ensenada)
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 434843
                 San Diego Ca. 92143-4843
voice; (01152)6674-4501 to 08 fax:(01152)6674-4933
email: alhinc at  (

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