v.digit -Reply -Reply
Abeer Alnaji
alnaji at brcsun0.tamu.edu
Wed Mar 22 15:22:48 EST 1995
> The problem I have v.digit is when the digitizer is set to none. I assumed
> that meant I could work on vector files (assign cats, etc.) on the screen.
> Was that a bad assumption?
> PS xdigit works very well.
> PPS I am mainly interested in converting a vector file into raster. The
> vector file is in Arc ungen format but does not have any labels. As it
> currently exists, v.to.rast converts nothing because there is no label file
> in dig_att directory. I can go through the ascii vector file from Arc, grab
> the values for a point on each of the lines and put it into the dig_att
> directory, but I was hoping that somebody had a routine that did this
> already. I can't go back to Arc and have the file generated there. Any
> tips greatly appreciated!
>----- End Included Message -----
Hello Gerald,
No, your assumption about choosing 'none means no digitizer' is not bad
, it is exactly right and thats the only thing you can choose in this case and
it is for vector maps and yes you can
assign values to areas/lines.
And for the other problem with converting from arc to grass; in arc, yo
u need to UNGENERATE a "line" file and a "point" file, just give each one a di
fferent .ext, maybe map.lin and map.pnt, then in grass you import using "v.in.a
rc" using "map.lin" for "lines_in" and "map.pnt" for "points_in" and the same "
map.pnt" for "text_in" and for the last three options use "1" for label, which
means using the first colmn in your *.pnt file as an att for your dig_att file.
Then you need to run
"v.support" and finaly "v.to.rast". Now if you want more detailed labels in y
our cats file, then
you need to use "OUTPUT" in arcINFO after you select the needed colmn for your
cat file. See OUTPUT in your INFO manual.
Well, I hope this helps you solve your problem. Good luck!!
Abeer AL-Naji
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