Where is S-Plus?

Marianna Clark mclark at basil.statsci.com
Tue May 9 16:49:08 EDT 1995

No, sorry, S-PLUS is not free.  Included below is info about it.

As an aside: In the past someone in the GRASS community created the GRASS
"s.menu" commands which facilitated interaction between S-PLUS (or S?) and 
GRASS.  But I believe it was based on a much older version of S-PLUS and would
not work with the current version of S-PLUS.  I really don't know much at all
about s.menu, maybe it has been updated (the info I have is from 1991)? 

Contact Info:
1700 Westlake Ave N
Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 283-8802
(800) 569-0123
mktg at statsci.com

Below is a portion of the data sheet for S-PLUS 3.2.  Version 3.3 for Unix
will be available later this month.

          Version 3.2 for Windows and UNIX Systems

 S-Plus incorporates the S language developed at AT&T Bell Labs.
Interactive analysis, with step-by-step feedback
Built-in, true object-oriented language
  S-PLUS supports object classes, inheritance, generic
  functions, and methods
  Operators and functions work on scalars, vectors, arrays
  Structured language, including for, while, next, repeat,
  Logical operators, including >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=, &, if
  else, all, any
  Sophisticated operators for assigning, extracting,
  replacing parts of objects
  "list" object contains structured arrays of dissimilar
  Write your own functions for specific analyses
  Modify any of the 1,650 provided functions

Interface with C and FORTRAN programs
  Use as front-end for commercial libraries (IMSL, NAG, etc.)
  Dynamic (run-time) and static loading of user-written C
  or FORTRAN programs
  Dynamic loading of Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) in

Interface with operating system
  Spawn subprocesses
  Access to operating system editors
  Pass data to/from operating system and other applications

  ASCII files
  Input data from keyboard
  Input binary files through user-written FORTRAN or C
  Interactive data editor
  PostScript and HPGL output
  Support for all MS Windows printer drivers

Help and Documentation
  Interactive point-and-click help system
  Extensive documentation
  Command line recall and editing
  Telephone and e-mail Helpline

Classic and modern functions insure penetrating analysis and
best fit
Basic statistics
  Descriptive summary statistics
  Student's t-test
  Chi-square test
  Wilcoxon rank sum test
  Binomial test
  Mantel-Haenszel test
  Probability distributions

Multivariate statistics and graphics
  Hierarchical clustering
  k-means clustering
  Model-based clustering
  Tree classifiers
  Log-linear contingency table analysis
  Minimum spanning tree
  Principal components
  Factor analysis
  Canonical correlation
  Multi-dimensional scaling
  Chernoff's faces
  Star-symbol plots
  Dendogram plot of cluster-tree
  Scatterplot matrices

Mathematical computing
  Vector and matrix operations, +, *, etc.
  Invert matrix and solve linear equations
  Singular value and QR decompositions
  IEEE special values supported

Quality control charts
  Shewhart charts
  Cusum charts
  Charts based on xbar, s, np, p, c, u

Regression and ANOVA
  Linear least squares
  Nonlinear least squares
  Balanced and unbalanced ANOVA
  Stepwise regression
  Least trimmed squared residuals regression (high
  breakdown point robust regression)
  Generalized linear models
  Generalized additive models (GAM)
  Residual deviance (for model comparison)
  ACE and AVAS regression models
  Projection pursuit regression
  M-estimates of regression
  Tree-based regression

Survival analysis
  Cox regression with time-dependent covariates
  Kaplan-Meier and Fleming-Harrington curves
  G-rho survival curve tests

Time series/signal analysis
  Autoregression models (classical and robust)
  ARIMA models
  Linear filters
  Complex demodulation
  Spectral analysis
  Fourier transformations
  Smoothing: wide variety of robust and classical smoothers
  and filters

Integrated graphics help you determine which analysis methods to apply
Interactive graphics/Data visualization
  Multiple graphics windows
  Location of graphics via mouse
  Point identification using mouse
  User-definable color maps
  Interactive color map save/load
  3D data spinning
  Scatterplot matrix brushing with optional marginal

3D plotting
  Contour plot
  Data spinning
  Mesh surface with user-selected perspective
  Image plots (pixel data representation, color or gray scale)
  Scatterplot matrix brushing

2D plotting
  X-Y scatterplots
  Time series plots
  Box plots, pie charts, histograms, bar plots, dot charts
  Overlay multiple plots or display side-by-side
  Log and linear axis scaling
  Control over line style, marker type, colors, labels,
  tick marks, text, fill pattern
  USA maps
  General mapping functions

System Requirements:

Windows System Requirements:
  A personal computer with an 80386 or higher processor
  with math coprocessor
  8 MB of RAM
  Hard disk with 14 MB of free disk space for minimum
  installation or 25 MB of free disk space for complete
  VGA or higher-resolution graphics adapter and compatible
  color or monochrome monitor
  Printer with Windows-supported printer driver
  Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.1
  MS-DOS operating system version 5.0 or later (version 6.2

UNIX System Requirements:
  SUN Sparc, IBM RS/6000, Hewlett-Packard 9000-700, Silicon
  Graphics IRIS, DECstation, DEC Alpha/OSF
  16 MB of RAM
  Hard disk with 55 MB of free disk space
  UNIX graphics devices supported:
  X-Window system (Motif or OPEN LOOK)
  Various graphics terminals
  Line printer/character graphics
  Hardcopy: PostScript, HP Laserjet, HPGL, Color PostScript
  pixel image graphics

UNIX Programmer's Toolkit:
StatSci offers an optional programmer's toolkit,
S+INTERFACE, to aid in the development of a menu-style
interface to S-PLUS functions, or for interfacing S-PLUS to
C applications. Please call for more information.

Support Services, Training and Consulting:
We're committed to helping our customers use our products
successfully. We offer a software support and update program
and a telephone help line, as well as support via e-mail or
fax. We can conduct training courses at your location or
ours. Consulting services are also provided on applied
statistics or custom application design using S-PLUS.

Volume, Academic, and Non-Profit Pricing:
Volume discounts and special pricing for academic
institutions and non-profit organizations are available.
Please contact StatSci at (800) 569-0123, or your local
distributor, for more information.

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