Need help on vector file

John Sigerson johnsig at
Wed May 17 14:27:53 EDT 1995

This is an unabashedly newbie question. I have just installed
Linux 1.2.1 and GRASS4.1, and have started to explore the global
database. But I am having a problem with the coastlines binary
vector file. When I do a v.stats on it, and ask for the header
info, it displays the header info down to the "VERTI:" line, but
then quits with the message "segmentation error." Also, if
I try to do anything else with this file, such as v.rast or or v.out.ascii, I get an "out of memory" error--even
though I have 16MB of installed memory and 32MB of swap.
     I'm sure there's something I don't understand here, perhaps
about the structure of the binary vector files. Could some
kind soul please enlighten me?

| John Sigerson                                                              |
| EIR News Service, Inc.             E-mail: johnsig at           |
| 60 Sycolin Road                    Voice:  703-777-9451 x543               |
| Leesburg, VA 22075                 Fax:    703-771-3099 or 771-9492        |
| USA                                                                        |

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