mean value from raster
Malcolm Williamson
malcolm at
Tue May 23 17:11:21 EDT 1995
On Mon, 22 May 1995, Eric Small wrote:
> Hi,
> This should be an easy question to answer.
> How can you determine the mean value of cells in a raster layer
> not including 0 (no data) values ?
> Presently, i am resorting to turning the raster into an ascii file
> and then computing the mean in fortran.
> Thank you for any help,
> Eric Small
How about this script, which calculates mean, variance, and standard
g.ask element=cell type=old\
prompt="Raster map to be analyzed" unixfile=/tmp/$$
. /tmp/$$
rm -f /tmp/$$
if [ "$name" = "" ]
r.stats -za input="$input" | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0.0 ; sum2=0.0}
NR==1 {min=$1 ; max=$1 ; mincat=$1 ; maxcat=$1 }
{sum+=$1 ; sum2+=$1*$1 ; N++ }
if ($1>max) { max=$1 }
if ($1<min) { min=$1 }
print "Smallest category value is: ", min
print "Largest category value is: ", max
print "Mean category value is: ", sum/N
print "Variance in categories is: ", (sum2-sum*sum/N)/N
print "Standard Dev. of cats is: ", sqrt((sum2-sum*sum/N)/N)
Unfortunately, I'm not sure of the original source of this script, so I
can't give proper credit for it. It's an example of the sort of Bourne
shell scripting that we cover in our Advanced GRASS class (shameless
advertising plug!! :-) ). Hope you find it useful.
Malcolm D. Williamson - GIS Specialist E-mail:
malcolm at
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12 Fax: (501) 575-5218
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
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