Undeliverable Message

Thu Feb 8 07:00:00 EST 1996

Sender: grass-lists-owner at moon.cecer.army.mil.
Reply-To: grassu-list at moon.cecer.army.mil.
Precedence: Bulk
To:            <grassu-list at max.cecer.army.mil>
Subject:       Undeliverable Message

Message not delivered to recipients below.  Press F1 for help with VNM
error codes.               

        VNM3043:  MR MARK ADAMS at TEC@FLW DCD


   The message cannot be delivered because the
   recipient's mailbox contains the maximum number of 
   messages, as set by the system administrator.  The
   recipient must delete some messages before any
   other messages can be delivered.
    The maximum message limit for a user's mailbox is 
   10,000.  The default message limit is 1000 messages.  
   Administrators can set message limits using the 
   Mailbox  Settings function available in the 
   Manage User menu  (MUSER). 

   When a user's mailbox reaches the limit, the 
   user must delete some of the messages before 
   the mailbox can accept any more incoming messages.

----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------Sender:
 grass-lists-owner at moon.cecer.army.mil.
Reply-To: grassu-list at moon.cecer.army.mil.
Precedence: Bulk
Sender: grass-lists-owner at moon.cecer.army.mil.
Reply-To: grassu-list at moon.cecer.army.mil.
Precedence: Bulk
To:            <grassu-list at max.cecer.army.mil>
Subject:       Re: different locations

Message not delivered to recipients below.  Press F1 for help with VNM
error codes.               

        VNM3043:  MR MARK ADAMS at TEC@FLW DCD


   The message cannot be delivered because the
   recipient's mailbox contains the maximum number of 
   messages, as set by the system administrator.  The
   recipient must delete some messages before any
   other messages can be delivered.
    The maximum message limit for a user's mailbox is 
   10,000.  The default message limit is 1000 messages.  
   Administrators can set message limits using the 
   Mailbox  Settings function available in the 
   Manage User menu  (MUSER). 

   When a user's mailbox reaches the limit, the 
   user must delete some of the messages before 
   the mailbox can accept any more incoming messages.

----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------On Wed,
 7 Feb 1996 sw at kreutler.de wrote:

> Hi all!
> I want to know, if it is possible to use GRASS with maps stored at different
> locations.
> because in the file .grassrc there is only one possible line for LOCATION.
> different locations can be different machines in the net to.
> if this is possible, please tell me how to use .grassrc
> hints are welcome too!
> thanx in advance
> Stephan
GRASS will only look to mapsets within your current location and GDBASE.
But - if you really want to look at maps stored elsewhere you can use
symbolic links and nfs mounting to create mapsets in your location that 
are stored elsewhere.  Just be careful that the coordinate, zone and 
other infomraiton are consistent.  If you are using a UTM zone location, 
and have a mapset that is linked to data stored in latlon you will have a 


 Susan Huse         /\       http://www.regis.berkeley.edu/sue
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 University of California  /    /  \ (510) 643-6307
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