v.digit - "digitizer read error"

David J Harbor HARBOR at fs.sciences.WLU.EDU
Wed Feb 7 07:00:00 EST 1996

Grass users
Having left the HP network, I now use GRASS on a new SGI and have a 4-button GT
CO super L2 
digitizer.  I downloaded the binary 4.1 from the moon and noted that it has a c
ompiled v.digit2 GTCO 4 
button driver.  Surprisingly, v.digit2 isn't in the code.  Must I compile it (p
robably moot since we  
don't have enough disk space yet to get all the code and a C compiler)?  Anybod
y know the secret to 
getting v.digit to work on a GTCO.  We've tried altering the LTPlus Digitizer c
onfig files, with no luck.  
We've also tried to emulate the Calcomp and use the Calcomp digitizer file.  Ge
t the same error 
("Digitizer read error.Continue? (yes or no)")  We used v.digit2 on the HP X-te
rminal by emulating a 
Calcomp.  I'd really appreciate some help soon, since my students are scheduled
 to start digitizing 
next week in class.  Gulp.
I'll try to keep my eye on Usenet but a direct reply would be helpful.  Thanks 
in advance.
                      *        *          *
David J Harbor/Geology Department/Washington and Lee University
Lexington VA 24450 (540) 463 8871 office or 261-1206 home
harbor at wlu.edu

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