contour labels

William A Perkins perk at
Mon Feb 5 07:00:00 EST 1996

>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew W Ellis <ellis at UDel.Edu> writes:

    Andrew> Hi,

    Andrew> Can anyone give me information on how to get labels on
    Andrew> contour lines after using r.contour? I can get a vector
    Andrew> map of contour lines but with no labels, which isn't
    Andrew> helping much.

    Andrew> Thanks in advance.

    Andrew> Drew

    Andrew> Andrew W. Ellis                     (302) 831-2344
    Andrew> 211 Pearson Hall                    ellis at
    Andrew> Department of Geography
    Andrew> University of Delaware
    Andrew> Newark, DE 19716


Here's what I have done in the past:

  1. Use to convert the attributes file for the generated
     contours into a site list.  Typically it would be something like:

        cd $LOCATION/dig_att
        awk '/^L/ { print $2, $3, $4; } contours | site=contour_labe

  2. Use s.label to convert the sites into labels.

  3. Use d.labels to move badly placed labels and remove extra labels.
     I don't have a lot of luck with d.labels, so I edit the label
     file directly more often than not.

There can sometimes be a lot of manual labor involved, and the results
are typically not very pretty, but it works.

Hope this helps.

Bill Perkins
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Environmental Technologies Division, Subsurface Flow and Transport
P.O. Box 999 MSIN K9-36
Richland, Washington, USA  99352
voice: (509) 372-6131 fax: (509) 372-6328 email: wa_perkins at

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