Map resolution

Cosyn Bart Bart.Cosyn at
Fri Feb 2 07:00:00 EST 1996

On Thu, 1 Feb 1996, Joel Peterson wrote:

> I am using GRASS, linked with a model, the model requires that I have 300
> or less cells.  I have a map which contains roughly 1000 cell.  Is there a
> way to 're-cell' this map?  I tried changing the resolution in g.region,
> but when I start using the model interface it defaults back to the orginal
> 1000.
Changing the resolution by using g.region does not affect your original 
data, it only resmples it for visualisation. If you really want to 
resample you need to change your resolution by g.region and than run 
r.resample. Of course you have to take care of the fact that r.resample will
take the value of the centre cell or the left upper cell if there is no 
center cell! If you prefer to have an average value or median or maximum 
value etc ... try r.neighbors.


        | ir. Bart Cosyn                                  |
        | VLIR-project Tunisia                            |
        | Laboratory for Hydrology and Water Management   |
        | University of Gent                              |
        | Coupure 653, B-9000 Gent                        |     
     | Belgium                                    |
        | Tel: +/32/9/2646137                             |
        | Fax: +/32/9/2646236                             |     
        | E-mail: bcosyn at                |
        | URL:                   |

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