Floating pnt upgrade on SGI - recompile trouble

Olga Waupotitsch olga at diego.cecer.army.mil
Sun Feb 4 07:00:00 EST 1996

In info.grass.user you write:

>Hi, I'm trying to compile the floating point upgrade on our SGI Indigo2
>(R4400 chipset).  When I ran GISGEN it got as far as front.end and died.
>Olga kindly provided part of the solution--that the gis library was not
>recompiling. I removed all the .o files in src/libes/gis and recompiled with
>gmake4.1.  Resuming GISGEN got me as far as d.display.  I then recompiled
>everything in the src/libes/* directories but GISGEN still falls down at
>d.points, unable to resolve 'region'.  
>Can anybody suggest what to do next? 
>Cheers, and thanks, 
>Peter Briggs  
>CSIRO Centre for Environmental Mechanics
>GPO Box 821, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
>ph:  +61 6 246 5554   fax:  +61 6 246 5560
>email:  pbriggs at enmech.csiro.au

Maybe you just don't have the correct libes/gis/sites.c file
(I noticed it was missing from the tar file)
Please substitute your libes/gis/sites.c with the included file.
Sorry for the delayed reply!

#pragma ident   "$Id: sites.c,v 1.39 1995/08/17 21:03:29 mccauley Exp mccauley 

 * These functions and definitions support the site format for 4.2
 * (format proposed by Dave Gerdes):
 * easting|northing|[z|[d4|]...][#category_int] [ [@attr_text OR %flt] ... ]
 * to allow multidimensions (everything preceding the last '|') and any
 * number of text or numeric attribute fields.
 * Author: James Darrell McCauley <mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu>
 * 31 Jan 1994

 * $Log: sites.c,v $
 * Revision 1.39  1995/08/17  21:03:29  mccauley
 * fixed bug related to time to stime conversion
 * Revision 1.38  1995/07/25  15:14:45  mccauley
 * fixed error for cat in G_site_describe
 * Revision 1.37  1995/07/17  20:55:48  mccauley
 * change G_strchr to G_strstr
 * Revision 1.36  1995/07/17  11:14:43  mccauley
 * took out has_cat and made part of struct
 * support for floating point categories
 * Revision 1.35  1995/07/14  14:04:14  mccauley
 * renamed G_site_get_fmt to G_site_describe
 * Revision 1.34  1995/07/14  11:39:49  mccauley
 * changed G_site_destroy_struct to G_site_free_struct
 * Revision 1.33  1995/07/13  19:58:28  mccauley
 * added G_site_destroy_struct
 * Revision 1.32  1995/07/05  12:55:40  mccauley
 * added warning flags for old API usage
 * Revision 1.31  1995/07/05  12:25:48  mccauley
 * modified G_site_put to use (Site *) instead of (Site)
 * Revision 1.30  1995/07/05  12:07:17  mccauley
 * removed extra spaces in G_site_puts output
 * Revision 1.29  1995/07/05  12:02:48  mccauley
 * added G_site_puts (analog to sprintf for G_site_put)
 * Revision 1.28  1995/07/05  12:01:20  mccauley
 * fixed bug in G_sites_get_fmt
 * Revision 1.27  1995/06/29  16:27:00  mccauley
 * fixed malloc error in G_site_new_struct.
 * Revision 1.26  1995/06/29  12:08:25  mccauley
 * added G_site_in_region.
 * Revision 1.25  1995/06/20  16:08:24  mccauley
 * first version put in 4.2 release
 * Revision 1.24  1995/05/24  00:36:27  mccauley
 * added old functions for bc while porting
 * Revision 1.23  1995/05/24  00:05:31  mccauley
 * added DateTime stuff
 * Revision 1.22  1995/04/17  22:56:59  mccauley
 * added G_site_put_hdr/G_site_get_hdr. Header records include
 * "name|", "desc|", "labels|", and "time|".
 * Revision 1.21  1995/02/22  03:23:19  mccauley
 * more ctype-like changes.
 * Revision 1.20  1995/02/22  03:14:23  mccauley
 * changed conditionals to use ctype-like defines (e.g., ispipe).
 * Revision 1.19  1995/02/22  02:53:48  mccauley
 * skip over header lines in G_site_get and G_site_get_fmt.
 * Revision 1.18  1995/02/22  02:45:54  mccauley
 * added sites functions from 4.1 that we'll keep.
 * Revision 1.17  1995/02/22  02:25:03  mccauley
 * changed names of functions to G_site_xxx().
 * Revision 1.16  1995/02/21  07:53:48  mccauley
 * changed "static char sites_api_rcsid" to pragma ident.
 * added function declarations for those int functions that
 * should be defined in gis.h. fixed pointer-int comparison
 * in next_att().
 * No warnings (from this code) for "gcc -Wall."
 * Revision 1.15  1995/02/21  07:27:32  mccauley
 * added qsort comparison functions.
 * still need to re-write G_guess_site_fmt to reflect changes in
 * G_new_get_site.
 * Revision 1.14  1995/02/21  07:21:49  mccauley
 * replaced repititive code with next_att()
 * removed erroneous comments. ran indent.
 * Revision 1.13  1995/02/21  02:33:14  mccauley
 * changes to ignore superflous spaces not contained within quotes.
 * changes to use ctyle functions and to do selective reads.
 * Revision 1.12  1995/02/18  22:34:37  mccauley
 * a few changes to read selective fields (according to what
 * was allocated for).
 * Revision 1.11  1995/02/09  02:49:20  mccauley
 * Added check for dim_alloc in G_new_get_site.
 * Removed erroneous check in G_new_put_site.
 * Still have error in selective reads.
 * Revision 1.10  1995/02/09  00:07:03  mccauley
 * Debugged G_guess_site_fmt and ran indent.
 * Still need to rewrite G_guess_site_fmt and G_new_get_site so
 * that we don't have multiple exits points (too many 'return 0's).
 * Revision 1.9  1995/02/08  23:12:20  mccauley
 * Added first version of G_guess_site_fmt (untested).
 * Revision 1.8  1995/02/08  01:26:27  mccauley
 * Changed return vals of G_new_get_site for easier diagnostics.
 * For category and decimal attributes, on possible reason for a
 * non zero return value is the value does not immediately follow
 * the attribute tag (# or %). E.g., "# 2" or "% 23.4" will cause
 * an error. Remember to put this in programmers' docs!
 * Revision 1.7  1995/02/08  00:54:49  mccauley
 * Added a few more checks. Fixed a bug in cleanse_string.
 * Revision 1.6  1995/02/08  00:06:24  mccauley
 * Added a few checks, combined a few, and changed do/while to while after #.
 * Revision 1.5  1995/02/07  23:33:07  mccauley
 * fixed bug with G_new_put_site [.dim_alloc already decremented by 2]
 * Revision 1.4  1995/02/07  23:24:06  mccauley
 * added comments and ran 'indent'
 * Revision 1.3  1995/02/07  23:16:04  mccauley
 * if length of string attribute is zero, it is not printed. if there
 * are no non-zero string attributes, no string attributes are printed.
 * Revision 1.2  1995/02/07  21:15:13  mccauley
 * recompiled with 'gcc -Wall' and got rid of "unused var" warnings.
 * added return values to some functions.
 * Revision 1.1  1995/02/07  21:01:12  mccauley Initial revision

#include "gis.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#define DQUOTE '"'
#define SPACE ' '
#define BSLASH 92
#define PIPE '|'

#define ispipe(c) (c==PIPE)
#define isnull(c) (c==(char)NULL)
#define isquote(c) (c==DQUOTE)

void G_site_free_struct (s)
  Site *s;
/* Free memory for a Site struct */

Site *G_site_new_struct (cattype, n_dim, n_s_att, n_d_att)
  RASTER_MAP_TYPE cattype; 
  int n_dim, n_s_att, n_d_att;

/* Allocate memory for a Site struct. Returns a properly allocated
   site struct or NULL on error. 
   cattype= -1 (no cat), CELL_TYPE, FCELL_TYPE, or DCELL_TYPE 
  int i;
  Site *s;

  if (n_dim < 2 || n_s_att < 0 || n_d_att < 0)
    fprintf (stderr, "PROGRAMMER ERROR: invalid # dims or fields in %s\n",
    exit (-1);

  if ((s = (Site *) G_malloc (sizeof (Site))) == NULL)
    return (Site *) NULL;


  if (n_dim > 2)
    if ((s->dim =
         (double *) G_malloc ((n_dim - 2) * sizeof (double))) == NULL)
      return (Site *) NULL;
  s->dim_alloc = n_dim - 2;

  if (n_d_att > 0)
    if ((s->dbl_att =
         (double *) G_malloc (n_d_att * sizeof (double))) == NULL)
      return (Site *) NULL;
  s->dbl_alloc = n_d_att;

  if (n_s_att > 0)
    if ((s->str_att =
         (char **) G_malloc (n_s_att * sizeof (char *))) == NULL)
      return (Site *) NULL;
      for (i = 0; i < n_s_att; ++i)
        if ((s->str_att[i] =
          (char *) G_malloc (MAX_SITE_STRING * sizeof (char))) == NULL)
          return (Site *) NULL;
  s->str_alloc = n_s_att;

  return s;

int G_site_get (ptr, s)
  FILE *ptr;
  Site *s;

 * Reads ptr and returns 0 on success,
 *                      -1 on EOF,
  int cleanse_string ();
  char sbuf[MAX_SITE_LEN], *buf;
  char ebuf[128], nbuf[128];
  char *next_att ();
  int G_projection(), G_scan_northing(), G_scan_easting();
  int n = 0, d = 0, c = 0, dim = 0, err;

  buf = sbuf;

  if ((buf = fgets (sbuf, 1024, ptr)) == (char *) NULL)
    return EOF;
  while (*buf == '#' || !isdigit(*buf) )
    if ((buf = fgets (sbuf, 1024, ptr)) == (char *) NULL)
      return EOF;
  while ((*buf == '#' || !isdigit(*buf)) && *buf != '-' && *buf != '+')
    if ((buf = fgets (sbuf, 1024, ptr)) == (char *) NULL)
      return EOF;

  if (buf[strlen (buf) - 1] == '\n')
    buf[strlen (buf) - 1] = (char) NULL;

  if ((err = sscanf (buf, "%[^|]|%[^|]|%*[^\n]", ebuf, nbuf)) < 2)
    fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: ebuf %s nbuf %s\n", ebuf, nbuf);
    return -2;

  if (!G_scan_northing (nbuf, &(s->north), G_projection ()) ||
      !G_scan_easting (ebuf, &(s->east), G_projection ()))
    return -2;

  /* move pointer past easting and northing fields */
  while (!ispipe(*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
  if ( !isnull(*buf) && !isnull(*(buf + 1)))
    return -2;
  while (!ispipe(*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
  if ( !isnull(*buf) && !isnull(*(buf + 1)))
    return 0;

  /* check for remaining dimensional fields */
  while (G_index (buf, PIPE) != (char) NULL)
    if (dim < s->dim_alloc)
      if ((err = sscanf (buf, "%lf|", &(s->dim[dim++]))) < 1)
        return -2;
      while (!ispipe(*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
      if (isnull(*buf))
        return 0;
      if (!isnull(*(buf + 1)))
        return -2;

  /* no more dimensions-now we parse attribute fields */
  while (!isnull(*buf))
    switch (*buf)
    case '#':                   /* category field */
      if (n == 0)
          case CELL_TYPE:
          if(sscanf (buf, "#%d", &s->ccat)==1)
          case FCELL_TYPE:
          if(sscanf (buf, "#%f", &s->fcat)==1)
          case DCELL_TYPE:
          if(sscanf (buf, "#%lf", &s->dcat)==1)
        sscanf (buf, "#%d", &err);

      /* move to beginning of next attribute */
      if ((buf = next_att (buf)) == (char *) NULL)
        return 0;
    case '%':                   /* decimal attribute */
       * if (d >= s->dbl_alloc) return -4;
      if (d < s->dbl_alloc)
        if ((err = sscanf (buf, "%%%lf", &(s->dbl_att[d++]))) < 1)
          return -4;

      if ((buf = next_att (buf)) == (char *) NULL)
        return 0;
    case '@':                   /* string attribute */
      if (isnull(*buf) || isnull(*(buf + 1)))
        return 0;
    default:                    /* defaults to string attribute */
      /* allow both prefixed and unprefixed strings */
      if (c < s->str_alloc)
        if ((err = cleanse_string (buf)) > 0)
          G_strncpy (s->str_att[c++], buf, err);
          buf += err;
          return err;
      if ((buf = next_att (buf)) == (char *) NULL)
        return 0;
 return 0;

int G_site_put (fptr, s)
  FILE *fptr;
  Site *s;

/* Writes a site to file open on fptr. */
  char ebuf[MAX_SITE_STRING], nbuf[MAX_SITE_STRING];
  char xbuf[MAX_SITE_STRING], buf[MAX_SITE_LEN];
  static int format_double ();
  int fmt, i, j, k;
  int G_format_northing(), G_format_easting(), G_projection();

  fmt = G_projection ();

  G_format_northing (s->north, nbuf, fmt);
  G_format_easting (s->east, ebuf, fmt);
  sprintf (buf, "%s|%s|", ebuf, nbuf);
  for (i = 0; i < s->dim_alloc; ++i)
    format_double (s->dim[i], nbuf);
    sprintf (xbuf, "%s|", nbuf);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);
    case CELL_TYPE:
    sprintf (xbuf, "#%d ", s->ccat);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);
    case FCELL_TYPE:
    sprintf (xbuf, "#%g ", s->fcat);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);
    case DCELL_TYPE:
    sprintf (xbuf, "#%g ", s->dcat);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);

  for (i = 0; i < s->dbl_alloc; ++i)
    format_double (s->dbl_att[i], nbuf);
    sprintf (xbuf, "%%%s ", nbuf);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);
  for (i = 0; i < s->str_alloc; ++i)
    if (strlen (s->str_att[i]) != 0)
      /* escape double quotes */
      j = k = 0;
      if (G_index (s->str_att[i], DQUOTE) != (char *) NULL)
        while (!isnull(s->str_att[i][j]))
          if (isquote(s->str_att[i][j]))
            xbuf[k++] = BSLASH;
            xbuf[k++] = DQUOTE;
            xbuf[k++] = s->str_att[i][j];
        xbuf[k] = (char) NULL;
        G_strcpy (xbuf, s->str_att[i]);

      G_strcpy (s->str_att[i], xbuf);

      if (G_index (s->str_att[i], SPACE) != (char *) NULL)
        sprintf (xbuf, "@\"%s\" ", s->str_att[i]);
        sprintf (xbuf, "@%s ", s->str_att[i]);
      G_strcat (buf, xbuf);
  fprintf (fptr, "%s\n", buf);
  return 0;

int G_site_describe (ptr, dims, cat, strs, dbls)
  FILE *ptr;
  int *dims, *cat, *strs, *dbls;

 * Tries to guess the format of a sites list (the dimensionality,
 * the presence/type of a category, and the number of string and decimal
 * attributes) by reading the first record in the file.
 * Reads ptr and returns 0 on success,
 *                      -1 on EOF,
 *                      -2 for other error.
  int cleanse_string ();
  char sbuf[MAX_SITE_LEN], *buf;
  char ebuf[128], nbuf[128];
  int err;
  int itmp;
  float ftmp;

  if (ftell (ptr) != 0L)
    fprintf (stderr, "\nPROGRAMMER ERROR: G_site_get_fmt() must be called\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "        immediately after G_fopen_sites_old()\n");
    return -2;

  *dims = *strs = *dbls = 0;
  *cat = -1;
  buf = sbuf;

  if ((buf = fgets (sbuf, 1024, ptr)) == (char *) NULL)
    rewind (ptr);
    return EOF;
  /* skip over comment & header lines */        
  while ((*buf == '#' || !isdigit(*buf)) && *buf != '-' && *buf != '+')
    if ((buf = fgets (sbuf, 1024, ptr)) == (char *) NULL)
      rewind (ptr);
      return EOF;

  if (buf[strlen (buf) - 1] == '\n')
    buf[strlen (buf) - 1] = (char) NULL;

  if ((err = sscanf (buf, "%[^|]|%[^|]|%*[^\n]", ebuf, nbuf)) < 2)
    fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: ebuf %s nbuf %s\n", ebuf, nbuf);
    rewind (ptr);
    return -2;
  *dims = 2;

  /* move pointer past easting and northing fields */
  while (!ispipe(*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
  if (!isnull(*buf) && !isnull(*(buf + 1)))
    rewind (ptr);
    return -2;
  while (!ispipe(*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
  if (!isnull(*buf) && !isnull(*(buf + 1)))
    rewind (ptr);
    return 0;

  /* check for remaining dimensional fields */
  while (G_index (buf, PIPE) != (char) NULL)
    while (!ispipe(*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
    if (isnull(*buf))
      rewind (ptr);
      return 0;
    if (!isnull(*(buf + 1)))
      rewind (ptr);
      return -2;

  /* no more dimensions-now we parse attribute fields */
  while (!isnull(*buf))
    switch (*buf)
    case '#':                   /* category field */
      sscanf(buf,"#%s ",ebuf);
      if(G_strstr(ebuf,".")==NULL && sscanf(ebuf,"%d", &itmp) ==1)
      else if(G_strstr(ebuf,".")!=NULL && sscanf(ebuf,"%f", &ftmp) ==1)

      /* move to beginning of next attribute */
      while (!isspace (*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
      if (isnull(*buf) || isnull(*(buf + 1)))
        rewind (ptr);
        return 0;
    case '%':                   /* decimal attribute */
      /* move to beginning of next attribute */
      while (!isspace (*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
      if (isnull(*buf) || isnull(*(buf + 1)))
        rewind (ptr);
        return 0;
    case '@':                   /* string attribute */
      if (isnull(*buf) || isnull(*(buf + 1)))
        rewind (ptr);
        return 0;
    default:                    /* defaults to string attribute */
      /* allow both prefixed and unprefixed strings */
      if ((err = cleanse_string (buf)) > 0)
        buf += err;

      /* move to beginning of next attribute */
      while (!isspace (*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
      if (isnull(*buf) || isnull(*(buf + 1)))
        rewind (ptr);
        return 0;
  rewind (ptr);
  return 0;

int G_site_put_head (ptr, head)
  FILE *ptr;
  Site_head *head;
 * Writes site_head struct.
  static char buf[128];

  if (head->name!=NULL)
  if (head->desc!=NULL)
  if (head->form!=NULL)
  if (head->labels!=NULL)
  /* time could be in (char *) stime, (DateTime *) time, both, or neither */
  if (head->stime!=NULL || head->time !=NULL)
    if (head->time != NULL)   /* DateTime struct has precendence */
      datetime_format (head->time, buf);
    else if (head->stime != NULL)  /* next check string */
      if (head->time==NULL)
         if ((head->time=(DateTime *) G_malloc(sizeof(DateTime)))==NULL)
           G_fatal_error("Memory error in writing timestamp");
      else if (datetime_scan (head->time, head->stime) < 0)
         G_warning("Illegal DateTime string");

      datetime_format (head->time, head->stime);
 return 0;

int G_site_get_head (ptr, head)
  FILE *ptr;
  Site_head *head;

 * Fills in site_head struct.
  char sbuf[MAX_SITE_LEN], *buf;
  int len;

  if (ftell (ptr) != 0L)
    fprintf (stderr, "\nPROGRAMMER ERROR: G_site_get_head() must be called\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "        immediately after G_fopen_sites_old()\n");
    return -2;


  buf = sbuf;

  if ((buf = fgets (sbuf, 1024, ptr)) == (char *) NULL)
    rewind (ptr);
    return EOF;
  /* assume header lines are always first records. allow for comments */
  while ((*buf == '#' || !isdigit(*buf)) && *buf != '-' && *buf != '+')
    if (buf[len-1]=='\n')
    if (!strncmp(buf,"name|",5))
    else if (!strncmp(buf,"desc|",5))
    else if (!strncmp(buf,"form|",5))
    else if (!strncmp(buf,"labels|",7))
    else if (!strncmp(buf,"time|",5))
       if ((head->time=(DateTime *) G_malloc(sizeof(DateTime)))==NULL)
         G_fatal_error("Memory error in allocating timestamp");
       if (datetime_scan (head->time , head->stime)<0)
    /* else is it a comment or some invalid header (not a decimal digit) */

    if ((buf = fgets (sbuf, 1024, ptr)) == (char *) NULL)
      rewind (ptr);
      return EOF;

  rewind (ptr);
  return 0;

int G_site_in_region (site, region)
  Site *site;
  struct Cell_head *region;
/* returns 1 if site is contained within region, 0 otherwise */
/* northwest corner is in region, southeast corner is not. */
double e_ing;
double G_adjust_easting();

  e_ing = G_adjust_easting (site->east, region);
  if (e_ing >= region->west &&
      e_ing < region->east &&
      site->north <= region->north &&
      site->north > region->south)
    return 1;
    return 0;

static int format_double (value, buf)
  double value;
  char *buf;
  int G_trim_decimal ();
  sprintf (buf, "%.8f", value);
  G_trim_decimal (buf);
  return 0;

int cleanse_string (buf)
  char *buf;
  char *stop, *p;

  p = buf;

   * get rid of any SPACEs at beginning while ( !isspace(*buf) && *buf !=
   * (char) NULL) buf++; if (*buf == (char) NULL) return -1;

  /* find where this string terminates */
  if (G_index (buf, DQUOTE) == (char) NULL)     /* if no DQUOTEs, */
    stop = G_index (buf, SPACE);/* then SPACE separates */
    if (stop == (char *) NULL)
      return strlen (buf);
      return (int) (stop - buf);
  else                          /* otherwise string is in DQUOTEs */
  {                             /* but we must skip over escaped */
    /* (BSLASHed) DQUOTEs */
    if (*p == DQUOTE)
      while (*p != (char) NULL) /* get rid of first DQUOTE */
        *p = *(p + 1);
      p = buf;
      stop = G_index (p + 1, DQUOTE);
      while (*(stop - 1) == BSLASH)
        stop = G_index (++stop, DQUOTE);
  /* remove backslashes between buf and stop */
  while ((p = G_index (buf, BSLASH)) != (char *) NULL && p <= stop)
    if (*(p + 1) != (char) NULL && *(p + 1) == DQUOTE)
      while (*p != (char) NULL)
        *p = *(p + 1);
 return (int) (stop - buf);

char *next_att (buf)
  char *buf;
  while (!isspace (*buf) && !isnull(*buf))
  if (isnull(*buf) || isnull(*(buf + 1)))
    return 0;
    while (isspace (*(buf + 1)) && !isnull(*(buf + 1)))
  return buf;

int G_site_c_cmp (a, b)
  void *a, *b;
/* qsort() comparison function for sorting an array of
   site structures by category. */
  int result = 0;               /* integer to be returned */
  double diff;
  switch((*(Site **)a)->cattype)
    case CELL_TYPE:
      diff = (double) (*(Site **) a)->ccat - (*(Site **) b)->ccat;
    case FCELL_TYPE:
      diff = (double) (*(Site **) a)->fcat - (*(Site **) b)->fcat;
    case DCELL_TYPE:
      diff = (double) (*(Site **) a)->dcat - (*(Site **) b)->dcat;
  if (diff < 0.0 )
    result = -1;
  else if (diff > 0.0)
    result = 1;
  return result;

int G_site_d_cmp (a, b)
  void *a, *b;
/* qsort() comparison function for sorting an array of
   site structures by first decimal attribute. */
  int result = 0;               /* integer to be returned */
  double diff;
  diff = (*(Site **) a)->dbl_att[0] - (*(Site **) b)->dbl_att[0];
  if (diff < 0.0 )
    result = -1;
  else if (diff > 0.0)
    result = 1;
  return result;

int G_site_s_cmp (a, b)
  void *a, *b;
/* qsort() comparison function for sorting an array of
   site structures by first decimal attribute. */
  return strcmp((*(char **)((*(Site **) a)->str_att)), 
                (*(char **)((*(Site **) b)->str_att)));

 *   char *
 *   G_ask_sites_new(prompt, name))
 *       asks user to input name of a new site list file
 *   char *
 *   G_ask_sites_old(prompt, name)
 *       asks user to input name of an existing site list file
 *   char *
 *   G_ask_sites_any(prompt, name)
 *       asks user to input any site list name
 *   char *
 *   G_ask_sites_in_mapset(prompt, name)
 *       asks user to input name of an existing site list file in
 *       current mapset
 *   parms:
 *      char *prompt    optional prompt for user
 *      char *name      buffer to hold name of map found
 *   returns:
 *      char *pointer to a string with name of mapset
 *       where file was found, or NULL if not found
 *   note:
 *      rejects all names that begin with .
 *  FILE *
 *  G_sites_open_old (name, mapset)
 *      opens the existing site list file 'name' in the 'mapset'
 *  FILE *
 *  G_sites_open_new (name)
 *      opens a new site list file 'name' in the current mapset
 *  parms
 *      char *name            map file name
 *      char *mapset          mapset containing map "name"

char * G_find_sites (name, mapset)
  char *name, *mapset;
  return G_find_file ("site_lists", name, mapset);

char * G_find_sites2 (name, mapset)
  char *name, *mapset;
  return G_find_file2 ("site_lists", name, mapset);

char * G_ask_sites_new (prompt, name)
  char *prompt, *name;
  char *G_ask_new ();

  return G_ask_new (prompt, name, "site_lists", "site list");

char * G_ask_sites_old (prompt, name)
  char *prompt, *name;
  char *G_ask_old ();

  return G_ask_old (prompt, name, "site_lists", "site list");

char * G_ask_sites_any (prompt, name)
  char *prompt, *name;
  char *G_ask_any ();

  return G_ask_any (prompt, name, "site_lists", "site list", 1);

char * G_ask_sites_in_mapset (prompt, name)
  char *prompt, *name;
  char *G_ask_in_mapset ();

  return G_ask_in_mapset (prompt, name, "site_lists", "site list");

FILE * G_sites_open_old (name, mapset)
  char *name, *mapset;
  return G_fopen_old ("site_lists", name, mapset);

FILE * G_sites_open_new (name)
  char *name;
  return G_fopen_new ("site_lists", name);

/* The following functions are obsolete.     */
/* They are retained here only for backwards */
/* compatability while porting applications  */
G_fopen_sites_old (name, mapset)
    char *name;
    char *mapset;
    return G_fopen_old ("site_lists", name, mapset);

G_fopen_sites_new (name)
    char *name;
    return G_fopen_new ("site_lists", name);

G_get_site (fd, east, north, desc)
    FILE *fd;
    double *east, *north;
    char **desc;
    char buf[400];
    char temp[400];
    char ebuf[128], nbuf[128];
    static char *desc_ptr = NULL;

    fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: %s needs modified for the new Sites API\n",
            G_program_name() );

    if (desc_ptr != NULL)
        free (desc_ptr);
        desc_ptr = NULL;
    *temp = 0;
    while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, fd))
        if (sscanf (buf, "point|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^\n]", ebuf, nbuf, temp) >= 2
        ||  sscanf (buf, "%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^\n]", ebuf, nbuf, temp) >= 2)
            if (G_scan_northing (nbuf, north, G_projection())
            &&  G_scan_easting (ebuf, east, G_projection()))
                G_strip (temp);
                *desc = desc_ptr = G_store (temp);
                return 1;
    return -1;

G_put_site (fd, east, north, desc)
    FILE *fd;
    double east, north;
    char *desc;
    char ebuf[128], nbuf[128];
    int fmt;
    fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: %s needs modified for the new Sites API\n",
            G_program_name() );

/*  fmt = G_projection(); */ 
    fmt = -1;

    G_format_northing (north, nbuf, fmt);
    G_format_easting  (east,  ebuf, fmt);
    fprintf (fd, "%s|%s|%s\n", ebuf, nbuf, desc?desc:"");

char * G_site_format (s, fs, id)
  Site *s;
  char *fs;
  int id;

/* sprintf analog to G_site_put with the addition of a field seperator fs 
   and option of printing site attribute identifiers
  char ebuf[MAX_SITE_STRING], nbuf[MAX_SITE_STRING];
  char xbuf[MAX_SITE_STRING];
  char *nfs, *buf;
  static int format_double ();
  int fmt, i, j, k;
  int G_format_northing(), G_format_easting(), G_projection();

  buf=(char *)G_malloc(MAX_SITE_LEN*sizeof(char));

  fmt = G_projection ();

  G_format_northing (s->north, nbuf, fmt);
  G_format_easting (s->east, ebuf, fmt);

  nfs = (char *) ((fs == (char *) NULL) ? "|" : fs);

  sprintf (buf, "%s%s%s", ebuf, nfs, nbuf);

  for (i = 0; i < s->dim_alloc; ++i)
    format_double (s->dim[i], nbuf);
    sprintf (xbuf, "%s%s", nfs, nbuf);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);

  nfs= (fs == NULL) ? " " : fs;

    case CELL_TYPE:
    sprintf (xbuf, "%s%s%d ", nfs, ((id==0) ? "" : "#"), (int)s->ccat);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);
    case FCELL_TYPE:
    case DCELL_TYPE:
    sprintf (xbuf, "%s%s%g ", nfs, ((id==0) ? "" : "#"), (float)s->fcat);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);

  for (i = 0; i < s->dbl_alloc; ++i)
    format_double (s->dbl_att[i], nbuf);
    sprintf (xbuf, "%s%s%s", nfs, ((id==0) ? "" : "%"), nbuf);
    G_strcat (buf, xbuf);

  for (i = 0; i < s->str_alloc; ++i)
    if (strlen (s->str_att[i]) != 0)
      /* escape double quotes */
      j = k = 0;
      if (G_index (s->str_att[i], DQUOTE) != (char *) NULL)
        while (!isnull(s->str_att[i][j]))
          if (isquote(s->str_att[i][j]))
            xbuf[k++] = BSLASH;
            xbuf[k++] = DQUOTE;
            xbuf[k++] = s->str_att[i][j];
        xbuf[k] = (char) NULL;
        G_strcpy (xbuf, s->str_att[i]);

      G_strcpy (s->str_att[i], xbuf);

      if (G_index (s->str_att[i], SPACE) != (char *) NULL)
        sprintf (xbuf, "%s%s\"%s\"", nfs, ((id==0) ? "" : "@"), s->str_att[i]);
        sprintf (xbuf, "%s%s%s", nfs, ((id==0) ? "" : "@"), s->str_att[i]);
      G_strcat (buf, xbuf);
  return buf;

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