r.in.ascii dying with segmentation fault <sigh>

Peter Briggs pbriggs at enmech.csiro.au
Tue Jan 30 07:00:00 EST 1996

Hi All, 

To the point:  My first attempt at using floating point r.in.ascii allowed
the parameter input but then died immediately on trying to import the file.
It used to work fine (and I used a file that I've imported before).

History that may be relevant:
After a blind struggle I managed to get most of the floating point update
compiled on our SGI Indy (R4400) running Irix 5.3.  One modification that
was instrumental was to add DATETIMELIB = /usr/lib/libc.so.1 to the
src/CMD/generic/make.mid file.  Otherwise, I used the SGI header file that
was posted to the list some time ago, which I've included below.

If others have a log describing their successful implementation on this
machine I'd sure like to hear it.  If I ever get this working I'll happily
post mine.

Cheers, Peter Briggs

CC                  = cc
ARCH                = sgi

GISBASE             = /usr/local/grass4.1
UNIX_BIN            = /usr/local/bin

DEFAULT_DATABASE    = /usr/local/grass4.1/data

COMPILE_FLAGS       = -O -cckr
LDFLAGS             = -s

XCFLAGS             = -D_NO_PROTO -DXM_1_1_BC -Umips
XLDFLAGS            = -lPW
XINCPATH            =
XMINCPATH           =
XLIBPATH            =
XTLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XMLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XLIB                = -lX11
XTLIB               = -lXt
XMLIB               = -lXm
XEXTRALIBS          = -lPW

TERMLIB             = -ltermlib
CURSES              = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
MATHLIB             = -lm

#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
LIBRULE             = ar ruv $@ $?

USE_MTIO            = -DUSE_MTIO
USE_FTIME           =

XDRLIB = -lsun

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